
How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing

There are dozens of social networks and while some marketers believe that signing-up for each and everyone is well-worth the effort, others agree that following that practice is rather futile. In the following article, I am going to talk about the three big social networks – Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter. As you certainly know (unless […]

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7 Infographics Related To Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics

I came across some interesting statistics that has me quite concerned about the dental hygiene levels on this planet. Apparently there are 600 million more people that own a mobile phone compared to those who own a toothbrush. Some research reveals that there are 4.8 billion mobile users but only 4.2 billion people with a

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The Absolute Professional Social Media Tools

Comprehensive social media (brand) monitoring & performance optimization can be a daunting task. Tools and technology change like the wind — and new players come and go so quickly. To be effective, smart marketers should have a wide array of tools at their disposal — tools that are not always exclusive to ‘social media’ tools

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How to Generate Leads from Social Media

Guest post by Sookie Shuenfrom Zoober Inbound. Something big has happened to social media. In case you hadn’t noticed, social media is big – and getting bigger all the time. What was once the domain of just a small number of people is now everyday currency in and outside of business. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are now

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7 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business – Plus Infographic

Image centric social networks are rapidly gaining market share due to their high engagement levels. Everyone apparently loves an enticing photo. Pinterest has become the social media network to watch after growing over 4,000% in the last 6 months. At an average of 88.3 minutes per visitor, it ranks third on engagement behind Facebook and Tumblr and

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What is Pinterest and How Can You Use it for Marketing your Business?

It’s official, Pinterest is becoming the latest craze in social media – the chic new visually stimulating social sharing site is quickly joining the likes of Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon. And just like other social media platforms, there is a big rush of users joining the site to see what the fuss is all about.

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6 Social Media Networks to Watch

Curiosity is a human trait that makes us want to discover what lies beyond the horizon, over the ocean or what can be seen and experienced from the top of a beckoning mountain. It makes humans take risks that are both life-threatening and potentially rewarding and life-changing. George Mallory, the English mountaineer, and explorer who

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