Internet Marketing

How to Generate Leads from Social Media

Guest post by Sookie Shuenfrom Zoober Inbound. Something big has happened to social media. In case you hadn’t noticed, social media is big – and getting bigger all the time. What was once the domain of just a small number of people is now everyday currency in and outside of business. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are now […]

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20 Social Media Statistics

These figures reveal the huge black hole that our time disappears into when we visit Facebook, Twitter or YouTube or other social media sites. One in every 7 people on Earth is on Facebook ( This number is calculated by dividing the planets 7 billion people by Facebook’s 1 billion  users) People spend 746 billion minutes per

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The Ins and Outs of SEO Web Design

When it comes to SEO, most people agree that the most important things a site can have is high quality content and strong inbound links. These are the things the search engines are looking for when determining your ranking and and deciding if your site is the one that is going to meet their searcher’s

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Measuring Social Media ROI: 3 Things to Consider

What’s the ROI of social media? That’s the million-dollar question that every marketer and brand manager would like to answer — and yet, we still can’t do it.Earlier this year, a study reported that 74% of CMOs predicted that 2011 would be the year that social efforts were finally tied to hard ROI. And here we

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6 Ways to Be More Persuasive With Social Media

  How can you be persuasive with consumers on social media? One of the best books on persuasion is called Influence, in which author Robert Cialdini describes six elements of effective persuasion. I share those tactics below and analyze how they can best be applied to a social media audience. 1. Reciprocation – The Oldest Trick

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