Internet Marketing

The Importance of Branding For Small Businesses

The Power of Professional Branding for Small Businesses In the digital age, small businesses are up against larger and more established competitors who have a significant advantage in resources and brand recognition. But what many small business owners fail to realize is that a powerful brand is one of the best weapons they can have […]

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25 Online Marketing Tactics For Small Businesses

I love small businesses. As a small business, there are many opportunities for growth with a smart marketing strategy. But you’ve probably noticed a problem. Most of the marketing tactics out there are expensive! A simple Facebook or Google ad campaign can cost tens of thousands of dollars. So how can a small business use

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The Future of Marketing is Now: 4 Ways to Get Ahead of the Game

In what seems like just a blink of an eye, 2016 is in full swing. Before we know it 2017 will be upon us, bringing with it an array of new technologies, developments, and opportunities that can take your startup to the next level. As time moves faster and faster, so too does the human

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Tools for Boosting Audience Engagement

9 Effective Tools for Boosting Audience Engagement Looking to improve your audience engagement? There are a number of different marketing tools online that you can use to engage your customers. These tools are great for small business owners. They don’t usually have the resources or staff to stay on top of their social media, but

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Guide to competitor analysis for digital marketing 

While researching your target market and establishing your industry niche is what will give you the ‘edge’, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, and using that information to your advantage, is what will earn you success. Below, we investigate the steps that you need to take in order to complete a digital marketing

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SEO for Local Businesses Trends and Tips

In 2016, SEO will be more important than ever for local businesses. This isn’t just wild conjecture; all data points to the ever-increasing importance of search engines. Take a look at this study by GE Capital Retail Bank, which said that 81% of shoppers research online before making big purchase decisions. Or this study by Google, Ipsos

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How To Increase Your Facebook Posts Engagement [Infographic]

Why do you need more engagement on your Facebook Posts? Well, other than the obvious, more engagement means higher EdgeRank. Higher EdgeRank means more people will see your content. But how do you get more engagement? Nobody said it’s easy. One thing I can guarantee you right now is that it will not happen overnight.

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Converting Your LIkes To Buys? [Infographic]

And we keep trying to close the gap between discovery and recommendation through Social Media and actual sales. Are Likes eventually turning into Buys? We have been talking about social commerce for a while here at casa de SocialMouths and today, we have a good infographic from the folks at Coupon Cabin that shows some interesting data: The reason

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50 Ways Your Web Site Is Discouraging Conversions — and How to Fix It

If your Web site gets great traffic but no sales or sign-ups to back it up, it’s time to take a good, hard look at it. Chances are, your site is scaring off customers. Follow these tips to make your Web site more friendly to customers and encourage better conversion rates. Usability Follow these strategies

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Business’ Shift In Focus From Websites To Facebook Pages

Companies are pushing their Facebook Pages like never before. No matter where you look – from online advertising and marketing to television and print ads, billboards, and even business cards – you’ll see “Find us on Facebook” or that iconic lower-case “f”. With Facebook’s 800 million users, it only makes sense for companies to place

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