Social Media Marketing

How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing

There are dozens of social networks and while some marketers believe that signing-up for each and everyone is well-worth the effort, others agree that following that practice is rather futile. In the following article, I am going to talk about the three big social networks – Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter. As you certainly know (unless […]

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7 Infographics Related To Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics

I came across some interesting statistics that has me quite concerned about the dental hygiene levels on this planet. Apparently there are 600 million more people that own a mobile phone compared to those who own a toothbrush. Some research reveals that there are 4.8 billion mobile users but only 4.2 billion people with a

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How To Increase Your Facebook Posts Engagement [Infographic]

Why do you need more engagement on your Facebook Posts? Well, other than the obvious, more engagement means higher EdgeRank. Higher EdgeRank means more people will see your content. But how do you get more engagement? Nobody said it’s easy. One thing I can guarantee you right now is that it will not happen overnight.

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Converting Your LIkes To Buys? [Infographic]

And we keep trying to close the gap between discovery and recommendation through Social Media and actual sales. Are Likes eventually turning into Buys? We have been talking about social commerce for a while here at casa de SocialMouths and today, we have a good infographic from the folks at Coupon Cabin that shows some interesting data: The reason

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The Absolute Professional Social Media Tools

Comprehensive social media (brand) monitoring & performance optimization can be a daunting task. Tools and technology change like the wind — and new players come and go so quickly. To be effective, smart marketers should have a wide array of tools at their disposal — tools that are not always exclusive to ‘social media’ tools

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Business’ Shift In Focus From Websites To Facebook Pages

Companies are pushing their Facebook Pages like never before. No matter where you look – from online advertising and marketing to television and print ads, billboards, and even business cards – you’ll see “Find us on Facebook” or that iconic lower-case “f”. With Facebook’s 800 million users, it only makes sense for companies to place

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What Facebook Users Are “Liking” [Infographic]

If you ever wonder what kind of content attracts more “Likes” on Facebook, this Infographic is going to give you an idea. The data comes from a study conducted recently even tough it represents a small sample of 1,224 respondents, it will show you a couple of items I’m sure you were not expecting. Let’s

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How To Get Twitter Followers Without Using A Mass-Following Tool

I’m not going to get into why you might want to get more followers on Twitter, maybe you want to increase your traffic or because it represents more business opportunities… I’ll leave that to you. I will mention the word “Organic” as a starting point in this post. There is nothing healthier than getting results

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How to Generate Leads from Social Media

Guest post by Sookie Shuenfrom Zoober Inbound. Something big has happened to social media. In case you hadn’t noticed, social media is big – and getting bigger all the time. What was once the domain of just a small number of people is now everyday currency in and outside of business. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are now

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