Tips & Techniques

Top 10 Tips for Better Content Marketing

As the old saying goes, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Don’t let the same thing happen to your new product. This is where a solid content marketing plan comes to the rescue. Susan Gunelius, author of Content Marketing for Dummies, defines […]

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Measuring Social Media ROI: 3 Things to Consider

What’s the ROI of social media? That’s the million-dollar question that every marketer and brand manager would like to answer — and yet, we still can’t do it.Earlier this year, a study reported that 74% of CMOs predicted that 2011 would be the year that social efforts were finally tied to hard ROI. And here we

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6 Ways to Be More Persuasive With Social Media

  How can you be persuasive with consumers on social media? One of the best books on persuasion is called Influence, in which author Robert Cialdini describes six elements of effective persuasion. I share those tactics below and analyze how they can best be applied to a social media audience. 1. Reciprocation – The Oldest Trick

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Best Practices For Web Design For Kids

Designing websites and related media for kids presents plenty of opportunities for Web designers. Openings are available at many businesses and schools, as well as through parents and kids themselves, giving designers many ways to find work on electronic and print projects that appeal to kids. The types of work range from interface designs for

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Five Copywriting Errors That Can Ruin A Company’s Website

No matter how brilliant a website’s design, no matter how elegant its navigation, sooner or later visitors will decide whether to take action because of something they read. In the end, the effectiveness with which a website converts visitors hinges on words. If a new website is going to hit all the right notes, its content

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45 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

Editor’s Picks Are They Nuts? Why Pistachio Marketers Bet Big on Internet Memes The “Get Crackin” campaign put pistachios in the hands of Snooki and Keyboard Cat, but is it really an effective drive to purchase? How Does Facebook Compare to the World’s Biggest IPOs? Where does Facebook fall in terms of IPO numbers? You

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How to Use Social Media For Better Customer Acquisition

1. Ask Your Fans What They Want   It sounds simple enough, but a lot of brands don’t take that second step. One brand that did was Adobe, which recently charged its product management group with running its Facebook Page for Photoshop in 2009. At the time, the Page had fewer than 300,000 fans. Now it has

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50 Free Apps We’re Most Thankful For

As we prepare to give thanks for our delicious Thanksgiving meals (and impending food comas), let’s not forget to pay our yearly tribute to the wonderful developers who bring us our favorite free apps. Dropbox Category: Online storage and syncing See also: The Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You’re Not Using, The Cheapskate’s Guide to Getting

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10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy

  Facebook statistics show that it has 250 million active users each with an average 120 friends. More than 1 billion photos are uploaded every month by its users, over 70% of whom use applications like games and quizzes in Facebook. Unfortunately, most users don’t know the implications of entering personal information, making friends, and playing games

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5 Power Tweeter Tips on How to Use Twitter Like a Pro

Today I’m going to teach you how to Twitter like a boss. What does it mean to be considered a power user on Twitter? Well, anyone who loves the social platform as much as I do could probably tell you that. Those who don’t, or may just be starting out however, probably couldn’t, as Twitter is

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