Website Design

how to build an effective website for digital marketing

How to build an effective website for Digital Marketing Success

Introduction In today’s digital landscape, a well-developed website is crucial for the success of any business’s digital marketing efforts. Your website serves as the foundation of your online presence, acting as a virtual storefront that represents your brand, engages users, and drives conversions. To maximize the impact of your digital marketing strategies, it’s essential to […]

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50 Ways Your Web Site Is Discouraging Conversions — and How to Fix It

If your Web site gets great traffic but no sales or sign-ups to back it up, it’s time to take a good, hard look at it. Chances are, your site is scaring off customers. Follow these tips to make your Web site more friendly to customers and encourage better conversion rates. Usability Follow these strategies

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The Ins and Outs of SEO Web Design

When it comes to SEO, most people agree that the most important things a site can have is high quality content and strong inbound links. These are the things the search engines are looking for when determining your ranking and and deciding if your site is the one that is going to meet their searcher’s

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Top 10 Free Website Speed Testing Tools

Website speed is a major part of optimizing your websites for users and search engines. The faster your website loads, the less the users have to wait, which will reduce your site’s bounce rate.  If your website loads slower, most users will not wait, and will instead look for content on other sites. From the

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Top 10 Tips for Better Content Marketing

As the old saying goes, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Don’t let the same thing happen to your new product. This is where a solid content marketing plan comes to the rescue. Susan Gunelius, author of Content Marketing for Dummies, defines

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9 Ways to Improve Customer Communication on Your Website

If you’re like most business owners, getting leads online is the main reason you created a website in the first place. Sure, you may have a stellar SEO campaign, a beautiful design and an über low bounce rate, but without a well-planned contact strategy, you can’t turn those pageviews into conversions. Online conversions aren’t just for ecommerce

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Best Practices For Web Design For Kids

Designing websites and related media for kids presents plenty of opportunities for Web designers. Openings are available at many businesses and schools, as well as through parents and kids themselves, giving designers many ways to find work on electronic and print projects that appeal to kids. The types of work range from interface designs for

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Five Copywriting Errors That Can Ruin A Company’s Website

No matter how brilliant a website’s design, no matter how elegant its navigation, sooner or later visitors will decide whether to take action because of something they read. In the end, the effectiveness with which a website converts visitors hinges on words. If a new website is going to hit all the right notes, its content

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10 Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow

1. Dan Cederholm Twitter: @simplebits Images: Dribbble Blog: SimpleBits Notebook Employer: Principal/Founder, SimpleBits Cederholm might be best known these days for his work on Dribbble, the invite-only site where designers show off tiny slices of their work for comment and approval. The “invite-only” veneer of exclusivity is just one factor that makes the app red-hot; invitations are often seen

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